County Carlow Local Sports Partnership (LSP) implements a wide range of actions with the aim of increasing participation rates in the local community. These actions are grouped within four outcome areas:

1. Working to increase participation levels, especially amongst specific target groups and collaborating with national governing bodies of sport, organisations, private facilities, schools, sports clubs and community groups to develop programmes to address barriers to participation;
2. Building sustainable local sporting infrastructure through support for NGBs, clubs, coaches and volunteers and supporting partnerships between local sports clubs, community based organisations and sector agencies;
3. Creating greater opportunities for access to training and education and developing the capacity of sports leaders in relation to sports and physical through quality training;
4. Providing a central information point about sport and physical activity to create awareness and access. Promoting the benefits of sport and the positive impact sport can have on obesity, social inclusion and mental health.


The Local Sports Partnership is currently staffed by four full-time staff members:

• Coordinator: Martha Jane Duggan (permanent post funded by Sport Ireland).
• Administrator: Sandra Corrigan (permanent post funded by Sport Ireland).
• Community Sports Development Officer: Tomás Kinsella (1 year contract funded by Sport Ireland)
• Sports Inclusion Disability Officer: Teresa O’Meara (6 month contract funded by Sport Ireland, HSE & Carlow County Council)

Through the staff team the Local ports Partnership collaborates with local clubs, schools, development officers and physical activity tutors to deliver participation opportunities, upskill physical activity leaders and improve local sports infrastructure.

Local Sports Partnership Management Committee Members 2017

The table below lists the current members who bring a wealth of experience and knowledge in physical activity, sports development, volunteer training and social inclusion.


During 2017 County Carlow Local Sports Partnership secured total funding of €321,725 to increase participation in sport and physical activity. This included €29,500 to increase the number of opportunities for people with a disability to be physically active, €58,000 to increase participation levels of young people, families, and older adults, and €47,000 to develop an urban activity hub, collaborating with national governing bodies of sport, organisations, private facilities, schools, sports clubs and community groups to develop programmes to address barriers to participation and provide a wide range of opportunities for participation. Please see below for a brief summary of performance highlights for 2017:

• Funding Work - A total of €321,725 was secured by the LSP for sports development in County Carlow, with significant contributions from Sport Ireland, Healthy Ireland, Dormant Accounts, Carlow County Council & the HSE.
• Community Events - Over 4000 people took part in LSP community based programmes targeting youth, women, older adults, people with a disability, families and disadvantaged areas, e.g. Parkrun, Family Outdoor Adventure Activities, Operation Transformation, Play Day, Recreation Week, Generation Games etc. The Local Sports Partnership supported the establishment of 2 x parkruns in Carlow Town and Tullow
• Disability Programme –€25,500 was secured to deliver a programme of actions to address the needs of people with a disability in sport with participation opportunities provided for over 200 people;
• Capacity Building & Training – 267 local sports leaders, volunteers and coaches took part in Local Sports Partnership training courses with 65 local sports clubs represented;
• Schools - 16 primary local schools took part in Local Sports Partnership programmes to increase participation of young people in sport;
• Club Development Work – 84 local sports clubs were assisted with development issues, funding support and volunteer management;
• Water Sports Activity Hub - 389 people took waters sports and outdoor adventure activities through the establishment of the Carlow Town Park Outdoor Activity Hub;
• Fit Over 50 – 135 people took part in our ‘Fit over 50’ programme;
• Policy - The LSP participated in 5 local and regional committees, networks and forums to promote participation in sport and the message of the LSP;
• Information Provision – Over 3,800 individuals were supported with information support during 2017.

The performance highlights from 2017 demonstrate the wide range of sports and physical activity programmes delivered. In particular the Sports Inclusion Disability (SID) programme has been very successful with in excess of 300 participants. The SID programme addresses the imbalance of opportunities for people with physical, learning and sensory disabilities to participate in sport and physical activity. Actions are based on needs identified by people with a disability, their carers, parents and organizations.

The Multi-Sport Activity Club for young people aged 3years to 7years focusing on fundamental movement skills with IT Carlow has also been a significant development for the LSP, further expanding the relationship and maximizing local resources to address gaps in sports provision. Annual LSP events including: Bike Week, Recreation Week, Play Day, European Week of Sport, Generation Games & Operation Transformation continue to be popular with over 4,000 people attending these events during 2017. The pilot Carlow Town Park Outdoor Activity Hub was very successful in promoting watersports and outdoor activity with 389 participants in total over a four week period. This project was the basis of a funding submission to Sport Ireland and Dormant accounts with €47,000 secured for to develop this project further for 2018.

Central to the work of the Local Sports Partnership is the collaboration of local stakeholders and partners. It is important to acknowledge the key role that Carlow County Council has played in the development and ongoing support of the Local Sports Partnership. The HSE, Carlow Regional Youth Services and IT Carlow, have also committed considerable resources and we would also like to acknowledge the huge contribution made by local schools, clubs and communities by opening up their facilities and providing coaches and sports leaders enabling the delivery of programmes.


Looking ahead to 2018 is vital that we continue to strengthen links with the national governing bodies of sport, schools, clubs and community groups to maximise opportunities for participation through our Community Sports Development Officer Programme and Sports Inclusion Disability Programme. The Local Sports Partnership has an important role in the delivery of the actions under the National Physical Activity Plan and the Local Economic and Community Plan. Carlow LSP is currently collaborating with key local stakeholders on the development and implementation of a Healthy Ireland strategic plan for the county. Carlow LSP will continue to increase participation in sport and physical activity by breaking down barriers and increasing both numbers of people participating and the extent of continued participation throughout the life cycle, and ensuring that local resources are used to best effects. Carlow LSP will support the development of a physical activity for health culture in County Carlow with a particular focus on walking, running, cycling and swimming, aligned with the National Physical Activity Plan and local development plans.