Having a good road and rail network is integral to the economic prosperity of a county. It is essential to have good access to Dublin, the ports, and the large towns of the region. For local economic, social and recreational purposes it is also essential that the regional and local road asset base is maintained to the highest possible standards consistent with available funding.

The policy of the Council is to maintain, develop and improve existing roads and to construct new roads as financial resources permit. The administrative area of Carlow has a road network of 1,212 km comprising of:
Motorway 24 km
National Secondary 54 km
Regional 186 km
Local 948 km

Carlow County Council is committed to maintaining & improving the road network, including improving road safety. All of which is managed with a staff complement of 10 technical & 5 administrative staff utilizing a central office and 2 municipal district offices.


Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), formally the National Roads Authority manages and provides funding for all motorway schemes. Currently the TII have a contractor in place with responsibility for maintaining the 24km of the M9 motorway through Co Carlow.

National Secondary Roads

Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) provides funding for national roads. In 2017 an allocation of €1,519,455 was received, €1,344,580 was available for improvement works for bridges and carriageways on the county’s national roads. The remaining balance of €174,875 was allocated to meet supervision costs of the council’s technical staff, public lighting on the national road network and general maintenance costs of the national road network.

Pavement Overlay Works

The Pavement Overlay scheme is a targeted programme of specific improvement projects based on a comprehensive survey of the national road network undertaken by Carlow County Council in conjunction with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII). Carlow County Council received an allocation of €480,000 enabling improvement works to be completed on the N80 at the Tullow Road, Carlow Town and the N81 Bunclody Road, Tullow.

Night time works on the N80 project, Tullow Road, Carlow Town

Forward planning for future pavement overlay works include:

• The Castlegrace section of the N81 will be issued for tender in Jan 2018 with the intention of works execution in 2018.
• Carlow Town Pavement Overlay Scheme. It is intended to resurface the Dr Cullen Road Roundabout to Deerpark roundabout. Following negotiations & discussions with the TII, this project is to be extended to incorporate both roundabouts & the majority of the O’Brian Road to tie into works previously undertaken.
• Design work has been initiated in respect of the resurfacing of the Kildavin Bypass, this project will address issues in relation to drainage remediation where required. In addition, where safety barriers have to be renewed to meet current standards and are required to be introduced where a need arises these works will also form part of the overall project. The works will be designed by the Kildare National Road Design Office.
• Consultant Engineers have been engaged to undertake the design and procurement of road improvement works at Carrigduff which will also include works to the Main Street of Bunclody. This project will go to construction in 2018.
• It is intended to resurface the Strawhall Roundabout and road section to the Bill Duggan Bridge, (including the bridge expansion joint). It is intended that this work will be undertaken in 2018.

HD17 Road Safety Inspections

Carlow County Council in conjunction with consulting engineers engaged by TII undertook a comprehensive survey of the N80 and N81 through Carlow. The aim of the survey was to assess potential safety issues on these routes. The survey identified a series of interventions which will be undertaken by Carlow County Council during the course of 2018 to reduce the potential for traffic accidents occurring on the route.

HD28 Surfacing programme

The HD28 scheme is a targeted programme of pavement repairs based on mechanical surveys undertaken on behalf of Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII). Carlow County Council received an allocation of €710,000 for the HD28 surfacing programme. This enabled retexturing and resurfacing works. Projects completed include the Tullow Road Roundabout, The Hacketstown Road Roundabout, and a number of locations on the N80 & N81.

Re-texturing in progress on the N80

Public Lighting Project

Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) initiated a scheme to improve public lighting on the National Road network. Carlow County Council applied to the scheme for the renewal of all public lighting and energy efficiency on the N80 around Carlow Town. Carlow County Council received an allocation of €100,000 for the design & procurement of the public lighting upgrade. The delivery and installation of the new LED lanterns will commence until Q1 2018. TII have confirmed that funding will remain in place to complete the scheme.

Additional Applications for Maintenance Funding

During the course of the year, Carlow County Council undertake regular and comprehensive surveys of the N80 and N81 through Carlow. These surveys identify issues requiring urgent attention. Carlow County Council apply to the Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) using an information technology surveying system (GeoApp) for funding to remedy the defects. (i.e. signage repairs, road marking repairs, damaged road & footpath surfaces and drainage issues, etc). Carlow County Council successfully submitted application for 9 locations receiving €178,000 additional funding for urgent remedial measures.

Winter Maintenance Services

Carlow County Council is constantly striving to improve its winter maintenance service. However, due to the length of road network in County Carlow, it is not feasible to treat all roads in the county during the winter season (October-April). Accordingly, a form of prioritisation is necessary and Carlow County Council developed a Winter Services Plan to identify routes on a priority basis with the aim, to keep these priority roads safe and as free as possible from wintry hazards. During the winter period 2016/2017, Carlow County Council treated 54.5km of road network 47 times, with an additional 22 treatments on 180.5km of non-national roads, applying an overall quantity of 850 tons of salt.

Council vehicles being loaded with salt for snow event in December

Non-National Roads

The Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport provides funding for Non-national roads. This programme targets much needed improvement works on regional and local roads in the county.

Restoration Improvement & Restoration Maintenance Projects

This programme targets improvements to the structural integratory & surfaces of regional and local roads in the county. Carlow County Council received an allocation of €2,666,579 enabling structural and resurfacing works to be undertaken at 44 locations throughout the county.

Restoration Maintenance Operations (Surface Dressing)

Discretionary Grant

This programme includes maintenance works across the 1,134km of regional and local road networks throughout the county, including specific targeted improvements. These specific improvement projects include signage installations, road markings & repairs, footpath improvements and drainage improvements, etc). Carlow County Council received an allocation of €910,089 enabling general maintenance & specific improvement projects to be undertaken throughout the county.

Discretionary Grant Drainage Improvement Project

Low cost safety improvement schemes

Carlow County Council is committed to improving road safety on the roads of Carlow. In 2017 an allocation of €80,000 was received to carry out minor junction improvement works and improvement to signage in areas where there is an established accident history. Improvement works were carried out at the following locations:
Junction of R724 & R448
Junction of L1026, L1027 & L4016
Section of R725 for 1.5km
Section of R727

Bridge Rehabilitation Scheme

Carlow County Council undertake regular surveys of bridge conditions throughout the county. The results of these surveys facilitate a programe of maintenance works required to maintain the structural integratory of the bridge network. This programme targets repairs to bridges on regional and local roads in the county. In 2017 Carlow County Council received an allocation of €160,000 enabling repairs to Bridges located at Spearpoint, Acaun & Grangeford.

Excavation for structural assessment of Spearpoint Bridge, Ballymurphy

Completed Repairs to Spearpoint Bridge, Ballymurphy

Speed Limit Scheme

In 2017 Carlow County Council applied for funding to target specific signage improvements. An allocation of €3,400 was received for the installation of driver feedback signage to improve drive awareness. Locations where signage were installed include Newtown Village, Fenagh, Old Leighlin Village, Ballon & Carrigduff.

Local Improvement Scheme

In 2017 the Department of Rural & Community Development announced a scheme to undertake improvement to private rural roadways. Carlow County Council applied for and received an initial allocation of €250,000. Due to the success of the scheme a further allocation of €190,000 was received, totaling €440,000.

Performance Indicators

The performance indicators which measure road condition by pavement surface condition rating (PSCI) for each of the road classes is a complex system which categorises the roads into different groupings depending on the maintenance intervention required.

The results from a national study identify roads in Carlow are better than the national average across each of the road classes.

SPC Policy Development for Transportation

Road safety strategy 2017 - 2020

Carlow County Council undertook a road safety strategy in 2016 to cover the period from 2017 to 2020. The strategy was developed by Carlow County Council in concert with all the relevant stakeholders namely the RSA, TII, An Garda Siochanna, HSE, and elected members of the Council. The strategy is designed with an implementation element which will need to be executed by each of the agencies involved. It is intended that the committee involved will meet annually to audit progress on the implementation of the strategy. The Road Transportation Special Policy Committee considered policy’s in relation to:

• Road Maintenance in particular the maintenance of Class III local roads.
• The committee developed a policy in relation to taking in charge of public lighting.
• The development of a Town Bus Service for Carlow Town was discussed. It is intended with assistance from the NTA that this service can be further developed & operational in 2018.
• Upgrading of existing public lighting to energy efficient lighting was discussed.

Specific Projects and Forward Planning

Carlow Outer Relief Route

The Southern Relief Road Scheme was advertised in accordance with the requirements of Local Government (Planning & Development) Acts 1963 -2000 and the Local Government (Planning & Development) Regulations, 1994 – 2001(As amended) (Part 8 Procedure), on the 7th February 2004. Plans and particulars of the proposed Scheme, including archaeological and environmental reports were on display and available for inspection and comment in the Council offices until 8th March 2004. The Scheme advertised comprised the construction of a road linking the N9 (now R448) Carlow to Kilkenny Road at Mortarstown with the R725 Carlow to Tullow Road at Chapelstown.

The preparation of the necessary plans by the Council’s Consulting Engineers is at an advanced stage.

The scheme was considered and approved by Carlow County Council at its meeting held on 5th July 2004. Given the time period which has elapsed since 2004 and the introduction of new legislative provisions pertaining to appropriate assessment, environmental and ecological considerations in the intervening period, and given recent case history, it is considered that environmental reports comprising an Environmental Impact Statement Screening Report and determination regarding Appropriate Assessment are required. Such reports will assist in informing the requirement for either a new Part 8 or approval by An Bord Pleanala as maybe deemed appropriate.

Thereafter the CPO process will commence.

Outline Plan of major road objectives for Carlow Town

Carlow Town Bus Service

The potential for an internal bus service was highlighted at the SPC meeting of December 2016. Since then this office has been in touch with the National Transport Authority (NTA) the body that commissions, licences, and manages internal bus services.

A number of towns of equivalent size to Carlow have services most notably Kilkenny and Sligo. The NTA see the provision of these services as a means to reduce car dependency and hence provide a more sustainable transport service.

The roads office has had a series of meetings with the NTA with a view to developing route options for a bus service for the town. As any bus service will incorporate a large portion of Graiguecullen, in the remit of Laois County Council we are also speaking with the engineering staff of Laois County Council to this end.

At a recent meeting with the NTA, proposed routes were discussed and further consideration is required to provide extensive and economical coverage of the town. Subject to funding and based on previous experience by the NTA this service may be in place late in 2018 or early 2019.

Carlow Noise Action Plan

As outlined in correspondence received from Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment, Carlow County Council is currently undertaking a review of the 2013 Noise Mapping and Noise Action Plan. The draft review will be submitted to the EPA for comment prior to public display. It is intended that the draft review will be submitted to the EPA in Q2 of 2018.

N81 Tullow Footbridges Scheme & Associated Road Reconfiguration Works

At the July 2016 meeting of Carlow County Council, members approved the commencement of the required Section 85 Agreement with Kildare County Council which would facilitate the design of the above scheme and works by the Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII). At the September 2017 meeting of Carlow County Council, members were informed of the commencement of the Part 8 public consultation process.

The Part 8 process subsequently commenced with plans and particulars of the proposed development being available for inspection with a closing date for receipt of submissions in December 2017. The proposed project has attracted much interested from the public of Tullow and a significant number of submissions were received. The TII National Roads Design Office have been considering all the submissions.

It is understood that members of the Carlow County Council wish to meet with representative from the NRDO to discuss the project further.

Speed Limit Bylaw Review

Following a protracted period of consultation and approvals, at the November meeting the Council adopted the bylaw changes. Carlow County Council are proceeding to arrange with the Transport Infrastructure Ireland to relocate the signage as adopted on the national roads and by Direct labour to change locations of signage as adopted on the Non-national. When there is certainty about the date the signs will be relocated, an “Effective Date” will be issued and incorporated into the bylaws. It is expected to be in place in Q2 of 2018.


After 42 years of Public Service, almost 39 years of which was spent in the service of Carlow County Council, our colleague Liam Fitzgerald, Senior Engineer, Roads retired at the end of 2017. The Roads Department wish Liam a long and happy retirement.

Presentation to Liam Fitzgerald on his retirement: Liam Fitzgerald, Pat Harrington, James Grogan, Ray Wickham & Noel Dillon.