The overall objective of the planning department is to promote the development of the County in a manner which facilitates sustainable economic and social progress. The day-to-day operation of the planning department covers a number of separate areas namely development management, forward planning, planning enforcement, unfinished Estates and taking in charge of residential developments.
Planning Applications:
Carlow County Council received a total of 373 planning applications during 2017. The
following is a breakdown of decisions made during 2017 by Carlow County Council:
Pre-planning consultations:
During 2017 a total of 167 pre-planning consultations were held.
The procedure for dealing with pre-planning consultations is as follows:
1. The applicant submits a completed pre-planning application form along with relevant documentation
2. This application is referred to the relevant Planner who advises if there is any requirement for staff from other directorates to be involved in the pre-planning process
3. The Planner advises of a suitable date and time for the meeting and the applicant is written to with their appointment details. It is possible to hold a pre-planning consultation by telephone or e-mail if the applicant is unable to attend a formal meeting.
The planning department in accordance with the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) seeks to ensure that planning permissions are complied with. The planning department investigates all written complaints of unauthorised development where they appear to be well founded. Following an investigation of a bone fide complaint the commencement of the enforcement steps is initiated by the issue of a Warning Letter followed by the issue of an Enforcement Notice should the matter not be satisfactorily resolved following the issue of a Warning Letter. In the event of non-compliance with the Enforcement Notice legal proceedings are initiated.
Under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) requests to take estates in charge can be made by the Developer or the majority of the owners involved in the development. The Planning and Development Act 2010 allows the Local Authority to take part of an estate in charge.
The following housing developments were taken in charge during 2017:
National Taking in Charge Initiative:
Funding was made available in 2016 by the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government to carry out works to residential developments under the National Taking In Charge Initiative for Residential Estates.
Under the National Taking in Charge Initiative Carlow County Council carried out works to eight developments during 2017 as follows: Academy Court, Ballydarton Mews, Loch Abhainn, Moyacomb Meadows, Phelim Wood, Rathfelim, Rathsillan and The Meadows. Seven of these developments were taken in charge during 2017.
Following a review of the unfinished developments for the National Survey which took place in consultation with the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government the number of unfinished housing developments in County Carlow identified in 2017 survey is 17.
In accordance with the Derelict Sites Act 1990 a total of 75 Derelict Sites Notices were issued during 2017. At 31st December, 2017 a total of 41 properties were listed on the Derelict Sites Register.
In accordance with the Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act 1964 a total of 24 Notices were issued during 2017 requesting the owner of the property to carryout out works to their properties.
National Planning Framework (NPF)
The Government’s National Planning Framework was published on Friday 16th February 2018, in tandem with the new ten-year National Development Plan, jointly named Project “Ireland 2040: Building Ireland’s Future”. The NPF sets a new course for planning and development in Ireland, to achieve a shared set of goals focused on National Strategic Outcomes. It now represents the overarching national planning policy document, of direct relevance to the planning functions of regional and local planning authorities.
Carlow County Council participated in the preparation of the National Planning Framework during 2017 and will continue to contribute to the preparation of the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy which seeks to support the implementation of the NPF.
Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy
The Southern Regional Assembly has commenced the formal process for the formulation of a Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) for the Southern Region as provided for under Section 21(1)(b) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). The objective of the RSES shall be to support the implementation of the National Planning Framework and the economic policies and objectives of the Government by providing a long-term planning and economic framework which shall be consistent with the NPF and the economic policies or objectives of the Government.
In order to stimulate debate and encourage participation in the process an Issues Paper was prepared by the Southern Regional Assembly in 2017 which detailed the matters to be considered in the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy. Carlow County Council will make a submission to this process and will continue to engage and participate in the formulation of the Draft Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the Southern Region in 2018.
County Development Plan 2015-2021- Variations
Two Variations to the Carlow County Development Plan were adopted during 2017 as follows:
a) Variation no. 1(a) of the County Development Plan 2015-2021 which provides for the introduction of the vacant site levy and its implementation as part of the development planning process in the Local Area Plans/ Town and Village Plans in the County was adopted at the July 2017 Council meeting.
b) Variation no. 1(b) of the County Development Plan 2015-2021 incorporating changes to Part V in the Carlow County Development Plan 2015-2022 and the Housing Strategy was adopted at the July 2017 Council Meeting.
County Development Plan 2015-2021- Two Year Progress Report
The Chief Executive’s Two Year Progress Report on the Carlow County Development Plan 2015-2021 under Section 15(2) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) was noted by the Elected Members at the Council Meeting on 11th of September 2017.
Local Area Plans
Two Local Area Plans were formally adopted by Carlow County Council in 2017 as follows:
• The Muine Bheag / Royal Oak Local Area Plan 2017-2023 was adopted on 9th January 2017.
• The Tullow Local Area Plan 2017-2023 was adopted on 13th February 2017.
Carlow Environs Local Area Plan 2012 -2018 – Extend Life of the Local Area Plan
At the Council meeting on the 11th September 2017 the Members resolved to extend the life of the Carlow Town Environs Local Area Plan 2012-2018 as contained in the Joint Spatial Plan for the Greater Carlow Graiguecullen Urban Area 2012-2018), in accordance with the provisions of Section 19 – 20 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, (as amended). The life of the Local Area Plan was extended by a further 4 years (i.e. up to and including 4th November 2022).
Proposed Amendment No. 2 Joint Spatial Plan for the Greater Carlow Graiguecullen Urban Area 2012 – 2018 incorporating the Carlow Town Environs Local Area Plan 2012-2018 (as extended)
The Planning Authority commenced the process to amend the Carlow Town Environs Local Area Plan 2012-2018 (as extended) in November 2017. The Proposed Amendment No.2 facilitates consideration of an application for a single dwelling house within the lands zoned strategic reserve in exceptional circumstances only where an economic functionality / social requirement is clearly demonstrated by the applicant and where the development of the site would otherwise be in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area. In March 2018 the Elected Members will consider the Proposed Amendment, Chief Executive’s Report, environmental reports and decide whether to make the Amendment of the Joint Spatial Plan for the Greater Carlow and Graiguecullen Urban Area incorporating the Carlow Town Environs Local Area Plan 2012-2018 (as extended) with all some or none of the material alterations.
In accordance with the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015 the Planning Department in 2017 continued to progress the establishment of a Vacant Site Register. To facilitate implementation of the levy the following was progressed:
a. Variation no. 1(a) of the Carlow County Development Plan 2015-2021 adopted on the 10th July 2017, incorporates the provisions of the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015.
b. The Muine Bheag/Royal Oak Local Area Plan 2017-2023 and the Tullow Local Area Plan 2017-2023 adopted in January and February 2017 respectively, both incorporate policies and objectives in relation to the provisions of the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015 and the development of vacant sites, including the identification of potential regeneration lands.
Throughout 2018 the assessment of potential vacant sites will progress comprising of site inspections, planning history and landownership searches, the drafting of site reports and template letters and notices, and referrals to internal departments for comments/observations. Vacant Site Levy Notices will be issued in 2018.
The Vacant Site Register is available to view online on the Council’s website at Entries will be made on the Register in 2018 following the completion of site assessments and the issuing of notices pursuant to the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015.