1. Carlow County Council has a clear commitment to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all it’s employees, service users and others who may be effected by Council activities. The county council also places a high value on the principles of openness and accountability, including monitoring the services it provides.

2. The objective of this annual health and safety report is to demonstrate Carlow County Council’s commitment to:

• the ongoing effective implementation of the County Council’s health and safety policies, organisation and arrangements.
• to endeavor to comply with all legal enactments relating to Safety, Health and Welfare in the workplace.
• monitor and measure health and safety performance, with a view to highlighting areas where the County Council perform well and also areas for improvement.
• Ensuring a safe and healthy environment for employees, service users and visitors to the County Council premises.

3. The County Council will aim to achieve all of the above by continuing to work in partnership with all our stakeholders, both internal and external.


There have been a number of major health and safety achievements and/or initiatives throughout the Local Authority since the previous annual report was prepared.

• Carlow County Fire and Rescue Service received an OHSAS 18001 re-certification audit in November by the NSAI and successfully retained their certification. They now have OHSAS 18001 certification five years.

• A new module of Core relating to Health and Safety auditing, inspection and incident reporting was rolled out nationally and is currently in test in the council. system commenced development.

• The Safety section continued to carry out ‘spot’ inspections of work vehicles belonging to the following sections in 2017:
1. Library
2. Environment
3. Carlow Municipal District
4. Muine Bheag Municipal District
5. Transportation
6. Carlow Fire and Rescue Service

• Building Maintenance inspections were carried out throughout 2017 in the following buildings:
1. Tullow Civic Office and Library
2. McGrath Hall
3. Carlow Town Hall
4. Assembly rooms
5. County Buildings

The following documents were updated/drafted in 2017:

1. Policy and Procedures in Confined Spaces; Managing Serious Incidents where there is a Risk of criminal investigation; Biological agents; Working at heights and Display Screen equipment were agreed.

2. Risk Assessments revised for Finance and Planning

Consultation with employees on health and safety issues is carried out at a number of levels:

1. Safety Consultative Committee comprising of Departmental Safety Representatives and a member of the Safety Management Committee, and the Health and Safety Advisor. The committee met 2 times in 2017.

2, Safety Management Committee comprising departmental management, chairperson of the Safety Consultative Committee and the Health and Safety Advisor. The committee met 3 times in 2017.

3. As part of ongoing work in improving the Council’s Safety Management System the SMS Implementation workgroup met 4 times and reviewed 3 policy documents for implementation. The group is made up of staff from all grades and directorates within the organisation. This ensures appropriate consultation takes place and that the policy documents approved are relevant to the work of the County Council and in line with legislative requirements.


Carlow County Council provided an extensive programme of health and safety training courses during 2016. Statutory training is given priority and the following courses were provided by the Training Office in 2017:

• First Aid Refreshers for Library Staff in March 2017
• Managing Serious Incidents training provided by La Touche Training Summer 2017 to Senior Management.


There were no scheduled inspections from the Health and Safety Authority in 2017.


There were three reportable incidents to the HSA involving Staff recorded in 2017.


• In 2017 the HSA published a Summary of Key Duties under the Procurement, Design and Site Management Requirements of the Safety Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations, 2013, which replaces the older version.

• Testing regime for portable fire extinguishers & hose reels, automatic door releases, smoke control systems and ventilation & air conditioning ductwork was updated by BS 9999:2017 Code of practice for fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings. In the case of ventilation & air conditioning ductwork arrangements should be made for all fire dampers to be tested by a competent person on completion of the installation and at least annually, instead of every two years, which was the previous requirement.

• The Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPs) Guidance on Safe Operating Procedures (HSA0468) was published.

• The Safety Representatives Resource Book has been revised and updated by the HSA. The previous version was published in April 2015.

• The Code of Practice for Working in Confined Spaces came into operation on 1 May 2017. It amends the Code of Practice issued by the HSA in 2010.

• The European Union (Pressure Equipment) Regulations 2017 (SI No. 233 of 2017) transpose the provisions of Directive 2014/68/EU and revoke and replace the European Communities (Pressure Equipment) Regulations (SI No. 400 of 1999).

• The European Union (Lifts and Safety Components for Lifts) Regulations 2017 (SI No. 232 of 2017) transpose the provisions of Directive 2014/33/EU and revoke and replace the European Communities (Lifts) Regulations 1998 (SI No. 246 of 1998) as amended.

• The European Communities (Electromagnetic Compatibility) Regulations 2017 (SI No. 69 of 2017) give further legal effect to Directive 2014/30/EU on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility (recast).

• The Road Traffic Act 2016 (Commencement) Order 2017 (SI No. 129 of 2017) brings into effect certain provisions of the Road Traffic Act 2016 (No. 21 of 2016) relating to drug driving offences and preliminary drug testing of drivers.