Carlow County Council is a smart, vibrant County which is attractive, inclusive and accessible. The County Council is committed to providing the highest quality public services for local residents, for visitors and for new and existing companies, from multinationals to entrepreneurs and SMEs. Creating an environment for economic growth and driving quality of life for all is a priority for this Council. We are pleased to introduce the Carlow County Council Annual Report 2017, which outlines the work of the Council in delivering important public services during the year, all of which contribute to making County Carlow an attractive place in which to work, live and do business.

2017 has seen the strengthening of the Council’s role in economic development and community development and this is welcomed by all. It must be acknowledged that the changing economic climate both at national and local levels have made a defining influence on the extent to which our services are delivered. Despite the reduction in human and financial resources in recent years, Carlow County Council continues to deliver a high standard of service. The Council’s policy is to “do more with less” and to achieve greater efficiencies where possible. Our staff, with the support and leadership of the elected members, continue to maintain and deliver quality services as referenced in our Corporate Plan 2014-2019, whilst also keeping the Council on a firm financial standing. Similar to all local authorities in the country, Carlow County Council relies heavily on government funding. It follows that a reduction in overall funding can profoundly impact on our capacity to deliver our services. The external and internal environments continue to shape and influence the allocation and provision of resources and the strategic direction of Carlow County Council.

We would like to pay tribute to the work being done at Municipal District level and at SPC level. These committees are invaluable in assisting the full Council in pursuing its objectives and getting through its business. The Commitment of the councillors and external members is evident from the activities outlined in the report. I express my appreciation for the dedication and hard work of the Elected Members, my colleagues on the management team and the staff of the Council. I am confident, given the abilities and spirit of cooperation that is consistently shown by the elected members and staff that we should be in a position to meet the challenges that lie ahead. We can look forward to a positive 2017.